WWE King and Queen of the Ring 2024 — Review and Grading — #MyOpinion

Ashish Sharma
5 min readMay 25, 2024


WWE finally brought this PLE to Saudi and revived the King of the Ring series with addition of Queen of the ring this time. With again only 5 matches advertised, Hunter is sticking with his concept of quality over quantity. So let’s jump straight into the review :

Becky Lynch Vs Liv Morgan for Women’s World Championship

With Liv on her revenge tour after injuring Rhea, and being the second best in almost all major matches in past few months, this match was huge for Liv and she did not disappoint. The crowd was behind Becky but Liv was phenomenal in the match. Few sweet spots were Becky reversing Oblivion into a reverse DDT and Liv reversing manhandle slam into the code breaker. During the closing moments, out of nowhere Dominik appeared and passed a steel chair to Becky and started distracting referee so that Becky could take advantage but instead Liv dropped Becky with a DDT on the chair and performed Oblivion to become the new women’s champion. A great finish with so much more to explore which would help both Dom and Liv’s character. Dominik just helped Liv getting Mami’s championship after Liv injured Mami, gosh you would not want to be in Dom’s shoes for now..! 3.5 ⭐️ to a great start.

Sami Vs Gable Vs Bronson for Intercontinental Championship

This match cooked hard…2/2 for this amazing PLE. The crowd was red hot for Sami as he is always the favourite one at Saudi, really happy that Bronson finally got a title opportunity at a PLE and Gable getting the “you suck” chant fitted perfectly into his music from the crowd was cherry on the cake. I was really happy to see this match even before the bell rang but what happened after the bell was fucking amazing…! It was a perfect triple threat match with many spots worth mentioning :

The moonsault from Bronson Reed from the top turnbuckle was insance

Gable applying ankle lock on Reed and then Sami applying ankle lock on Gable making it a triple ankle lock was commendable

Blue thunder bomb on Reed by Sami got the loudest pop

Double samaon drop by Reed followed by suicide dive on both Gable and Sami was awesome

Gable delivering double german suplex was just OMG…!

The closing moments saw Otis hitting Gable after Sami ducked and then Sami hitting Helluva kick on Reed to retain the championship. Another great finish with more storyline oriented and it will be interesting to see if we get Otis vs Gable now..! 4 ⭐️ for the match of the night for sure.

Lyra Vs Nia Jax for Queen of the ring

So this was an interesting final match as Lyra just got drafted to RAW and reached the finals while Nia was dominating everyone on the roster. The match was great with a David Vs Goliath type of matchup with Nia dominating initially but then Lyra coming back. Nia has improved a lot since she was in the ring last time and it was clearly visible, whether it was the moves or selling, things were looking better this time. Lyra put up a great effort but it was time for Nia Jax. The ending Annihilator by Nia was brutal and it seemed like Lyra would have had broken ribs, not sure how she is doing now. 3 ⭐️ for Queen Nia’s victory over Lyra.

Randy Orton Vs Gunther for King of the Ring

Oh man…this PLE 🔥 The crowd went nuts as soon as Randy’s music started and went crazier as the bell rang. It was a slow match which suited both the competitors as both Randy and Gunther have great in-ring psychology. Gunther targeted Randy’s back and knee throughout the match and Randy’s selling was next level. He genuinely makes everyone believe that he can no longer continue and it is very difficult to differentiate between reality and his selling, he is G.O.A.T. The good thing was there were no outside interferences and it was just two men going after one another in the middle of the ring. Randy delivered one of his best RKO but Gunther rolled out of the ring, another master move by Ring General. Even though it looked like Randy’s shoulder were up during the finish, the finish itself is worth mentioning. After delivering RKO, Randy did not just went for the pinfall due to his injured knee. He went around rolling on his working knee to get to Gunther and while breaking the pin, Gunther attacked his injured knee and rolled him up for a quick victory. It kind of looked botched, but the sequence was amazing. 4.5 ⭐️ this all time classic. Man…every match on this PLE delivered ! And this was the match of the night for sure.

Cody Rhodes Vs Logan Paul for Undisputed WWE Championship

With such a great night filled with wonderful matches, I was afraid that Undisputed Championship match could fall flat, but man I was wrong. Logan Paul once again proved he is not a part-time WWE superstar, he really is one of the best to ever do it. This match had everything from outside interference to brass knuckle usage to storytelling. Logan went after Cody’s ribs throughout the match which eventually led him to using his brass knuckles on him which led to an outburst by Michael Cole. That segment including Logan-Cole-Graves was bloody brilliant..! Logan Paul delivered a great cross rhodes to Cody and at that moment it felt like he had it. The camera work in this match was top notch and that drone shot of Logan delivering frog splash to announce table on Cody was out of this world. The closing moments of the match saw Cody using Vertebreaker on Logan but referee was down, Logan went low on Cody and when he was about to use the knuckles again, Ibrahim distracted him which helped Cody to deliver trifecta cross rhodes and retain the championship. 4.5 ⭐️ for this closing match. I honestly don’t remember the last time all matches on a WWE PLE delivered. Thanks HHH for reviving WWE..!

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