Ashish Sharma
5 min readDec 18, 2017

Actually, today I had to write about my BIG PROJECT on which I am working for quite a time but I attended a mass prayer for Christmas in my college today, so I thought of writing about that. I think this prayer was done in advance as there would be a holiday season in my college during that time and then not everyone could get a taste of it. Initially, we were not very eager to attend the prayer but then because of our HOD Mam, we had to. The venue for the event was our big auditorium which was beautifully decorated with balloons, ribbons etc and some of our staff members were already singing Christmas carols. It was something new which I had never experienced before and also the atmosphere became so positive because of The Father’s words that I knew, I had to write about this. (I even told someone that I am gonna write about this at that very moment.)

We know how we are as a group of final year students, that to we were attending the event, not out of our own choice. But there were few instances or stories which really made me to listen to them. So, here are some of the few things which really had an impact on me and will surely force you for a little bit of thinking.

“Jesus loves us for who we are and Jesus loves us at where we are” — These lines really took me with a bang as I was not expecting it. He said that Jesus showers the same love to all his children, irrespective of their caste,creed,gender,religion etc as all are equal in his eyes. Also he continued by saying that there is no need of going to Jesus as he himself visits his lovely children. He concluded by saying that Jesus was even present at that very moment at the auditorium.

There was a man who was in search of pure joy. He visits a Father in the mountains and asked him about happiness. The Father told him to take a round of the church with two drops of tear in his hand without dropping them and then he would find the real joy. He completed the round but he was unable to figure out the happiness, on asking the Father, he told him that he was concentrating only on those tears and now he would like him to look at the trees,animals,scenery and then complete the same task. After the second round, those drops were gone as he was enjoying the nature. The Father explained him that often in our life, we concentrate on our sadness too much and forget the real joy and happiness. We should get out of our sadness and enjoy the life to the fullest.

One more story, regarding the Titanic taught me a great lesson. The Father said when the Titanic was sinking, there were 3 ships present in that area. One ship was at a distance of 7 miles, but they were involved in some illegal activities so they never took any step. Another one was at a distance of around 15 miles, they were waiting for smog to clear so that they could help them. The last one, which saved around 700 passengers of the sinking Titanic was 50+ miles away but still managed to rescue people. Similarly, in our life we have three kinds of people, there are some people who doesn’t recognize other’s need as they are so into themselves. The second kind of people recognize but they are not willing to take any risks. The last kind of people are the one who are willing to do anything, just to give other happiness.

The last one was the strongest one as it restored my faith in humanity. There was a guy who was half paralyzed with an ill mother and he came to Father in search of a job. He gave him the job regarding the cemetery for 12000/- per month. After a month’s work when he was about to be paid, to everyone’s amaze, that person told the father that he can manage in 3000/- and the Father should use the rest of the money for people who are more poorer than him. He was crying and begging to the Father to take care of the poor people. The Father agreed to him and he continued his work happily.

I definitely felt a lot of positivity around me after the prayer. It was worth listening for around 3 hours, ya it sounds like a lot but trust me you would find it useful in your life. I’ll continue with my project in the next blog, till then help others, stay happy, talk to your friends, respect your elders, give love to your parents and last but not the least, keep coding…

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